How can i be eligible for a liver transplant surgery

Liver helps in the metabolism and detoxification of the body. Hence it is essential for a person’s survival, and a liver transplant surgery is suggested when it is extensively damaged.

How is the need for a liver transplant surgery identified?

Our team of experts at Liver Helpline India, asses the need of a transplant, through a scientific model called MELD – Model for end stage liver disease. Which is a scoring system to accurately determine the need for the liver transplant.
Lab tests are required to for the following parameters of the MELD score:
  • Total bilirubin which helps measure the jaundice
  • Prothrombin time to help measure the clotting ability
  • Creatinine levels to help measure the kidney function
MELD is calculated by putting the above 3 scores in the following formulae:
MELD = 3.8 x log e (Bilirubin) + 9.6 x log e (creatinine) + 11.2 x log e (INR)
Higher MELD scores indicate the requirement and urgency of the liver transplant surgery, thus making it, the basis of the surgery. The score is counted differently for paediatrics.
Priority on the allocation and waiting list is given to patients whose MELD score is higher.
The liver transplantation surgery requires anywhere between 4 -18 hours, and is done post checking the compatibility of the donor’s liver with that of the recipient.

How to take care after a liver transplant surgery?

To save the new liver from any side effects, care should be taken to observe the following practices:
  • You should take your medicines regularly and not give it a break
  • You should take extra care to observe and report any of the discussed symptoms with your doctor
  • You should follow all instructions provided by your doctor
  • You should not smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol
  • You should eat healthy and eat frequently
  • You should exercise regularly
  • You should speak with your doctor before taking any new medicines
  • You should avoid over exposure to the sun to prevent skin cancer
You should avoid the recurrence of the underlying causes that may have led to the liver transplant surgery. In case of negligence and the causes re-occur, then it further complicates and deteriorates the health and may call for another surgery.
At Liver Helpline India, our team of experts guide you at every step of the liver transplantation surgery in Delhi, India. Feel free to ask us any query or to know more, Call (+91)- 9650915455
